A clean home makes all the difference in your daily life. Going home after a long day of work in a clean and tidy home can help you reduce your stress and give you peace of mind in the evening. Many people have a cleaning schedule or schedules that they follow, cleaning the house once a week to ensure that their home always looks healthy. Others may not really know how to properly clean their homes and use a cleaning company to handle this daunting task ahead.
Whether you clean your home yourself or use an expert cleaning company, such as Shravaka, you probably want your home to stay clean between cleaning sessions. With children, pets, and lack of time, it can quickly become tricky. But there are simple and quick things you can do throughout the week to keep your home cleaner.
In this article, Shravaka will give you tips on how to keep your home cleaner and longer. Read on to learn more about the simple things you can do to keep your home clean and tidy.
Getting organized
One thing that can help your home stay much cleaner is to get organized properly. Incorporating an organizational system can help things stay where they are and prevent your family from leaving all those things that make up a house or apartment lying around where it seems more convenient. There are many ways to stay organized. Start by “keeping control” of your family’s belongings.
Buy a cloakroom (or coat rack) that will allow each member of your family to have their own space for all their belongings. There are coat racks that offer hooks for coats and backpacks, floor lockers for shoes, and top lockers for anything that needs to be stored elsewhere. A coat rack with locker could be the perfect solution for your family, allowing everyone to put their belongings in their personal locker as soon as they walk through the door, thus minimizing the clutter in your home.
Baskets are another great way to organize your home. Equip yourself with baskets for everything, to help keep everyday objects together and in the same place. You can use baskets for blankets, dog toys, children’s toys, mail, shoes, beach towels, etc.
Take it, put it away
By using this rule with your family, you can ensure that everyone will put the object they used back in their place. Teach your children, your spouse and anyone else living with you that from now on, they must store everything they use. Whether it’s putting used dishes in the dishwasher instead of leaving them in the sink or picking up homework before dinner. This will reduce the clutter in your home and allow you to stop picking up behind your family. The fact that each member of your family picks up behind them will not only help you to keep yourself personal time, but also to keep the house cleaner for longer.
Daily tasks
Although it is a little excessive to clean the whole house every day, there are things you should do every day to make sure your home stays cleaner. A quick ten-minute cleaning is the best way to keep your home in order. These daily tasks can help you more than you think.
Wiping your counters / bars / work surfaces every day, even several times a day, is a good starting point. Food crumbs, splashes and other dirt give your counters a dirty look. Wiping them after cleaning dishes or before going to work can minimize the amount of dirt, dust and clutter that accumulates on your countertops at the end of the week and will make your kitchen more beautiful, but also easier to maintain over the long term.
Sweeping and vacuuming in your main living rooms, such as the dining room and kitchen, is another great way to keep your home clean. This will remove all the crumbs, dirt, dust, hair, and everything that your family generates as dirt in your home. If you have a pet, it’s even more important. Dogs and cats can lose a lot of hair, dogs bring grass and dirt from the outside, and the mess builds up during the week – sweeping and vacuuming the main areas of your home will help keep your floors clean and reduce the mess at the end of the week.
Although the “take it, put it away” rule should help reduce daily tasks, picking it up at the end of the day can help reduce clutter throughout the week. Collect all items left out that should have been stored. Throw away garbage, put away toys, homework, glasses and any other objects that might not be in their place. This will allow you to wake up in a cleaner home and have less clutter to manage when the day of cleaning comes.
Don’t ignore the mess
One thing we are all guilty of is regularly letting a mess build up to be cleaned up later. If you started dealing with the mess as soon as it arose, you would have less to clean up at the end of the week or even at the end of the day. Get into the habit of cleaning as you go, this will help you prevent dirt from piling up in the house. Clean all the kitchen utensils you used to cook while dinner is finished with leather, clean up water spills as soon as they occur, don’t let dishes pile up in the sink, empty the dishwasher as soon as it is finished so you can fill it later. These things are simple and can help your home stay cleaner and allow you to be proactive in cleaning it.
Use the mats
Adding mats inside and outside each door that leads to the outside of your home or apartment can help keep dirt at the door. Doormats reduce the amount of dirt and debris brought in from the outside by your family and pets. Having one inside and one outside can trap even more dirt, keeping your home cleaner. You’ll be surprised how well it works!
There are many things you can do to keep your home clean and tidy between the time you clean it and the next day of cleaning. Be proactive about your cleaning and make sure you pick up the mess as soon as it presents itself. Cleaning up as you go can help make the cleaning day less intimidating and easier. Stay organized, teach your family to clean up after them, and make small changes to help keep the house clean. These are simple things that can change the cleanliness of your home throughout the week. Come home every day by applying these tips in your weekly routine.
If you need additional cleaning services, or if you just want someone to take care of the cleaning tasks for you, contact Shravaka. We can help you clean your home and make it more beautiful than ever. We offer punctual, recurring and office cleaning services. Find out more about these services and book a cleaning now to keep your home cleaner than you ever imagined!
And don’t forget that these simple tips can greatly improve the order of your home.