With the widespread spread of covid-19 and its devastating consequences, hygiene has never been more critical. In order to protect oneself from the coronavirus, many everyday actions had to be abandoned, while others had to be recommended. It is recommended to maintain impeccable hygiene at all times and in all places. Whether it’s a question of hygiene of the body or of the home, here are all our tips on how to clean to protect yourself from the coronavirus.
Personal hygiene

To avoid coronavirus, it is essential to keep your hands clean. Indeed, hands are the first vector of transmission of the virus and it is therefore necessary to avoid any manual contact with others. Therefore, you should avoid greeting other people and keep your hands clean at all times. Along with containment, hand cleaning remains one of the key measures to avoid contamination by this virus.
It is therefore advisable to wash your hands against covid-19 at all times:
- As soon as you get home;
- After a cough or a sneeze;
- Before cooking, before eating, before taking care of a baby;
- After contact with a patient or personal belongings;
- After the kitchen;
- After a trip to the bathroom;
- If you take public transport, etc.
To wash your hands thoroughly against covid-19, scrub them thoroughly for 20 to 30 seconds with soap and water. Alternatively, you can use a hydroalcoholic solution to wash your hands. It is essential to rub your wrists, palms, the outside of your hands, fingertips, nails and knuckles.
Hygiene at home
In addition to personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene, you should also clean your home regularly. To do this, you should start by cleaning door handles, handrails, switches, taps, etc. Once you have disinfected these parts, you can move on to any room in your home.
In concrete terms, you can start in the kitchen, especially before touching any object or handling food. At this level, it is necessary to clean the supports in your kitchen such as the table, chairs, work surface, cutting board, etc.
Then you can move on to the rooms where you will also have to clean all the objects that you frequently touch, change the sheets, use a disinfectant wipe to clean the supports and the floor, etc.
Recommended products to clean and protect against covid-19
To properly disinfect hands and prevent the spread of covid-19, soap and water are recommended. If soap or water is not available, you can use chlorinated water, 60°/140F alcohol, or a hydroalcoholic solution.
To disinfect your home, bleach is certainly the best product, you can also use 70°/158F alcohol and other disinfectants bearing the EN 14 476 standard.

For more information on Covid-19 virus cleaning, please contact us: https://shravaka.ch/contact/